Suit of Armour

Nancy Evelyn Paterson

Suit of Armour
Co-workers & Funding
This interactive video installation is a collaboration between myself and Camille Turner. This mediawork is an exploration of the sex, beauty and racial myths which are encountered by a young black Canadian woman and the various conflicting message which attempt to define who she is and where she belongs. The viewer experiences the subtle play between images and audio through interaction with the piece.

Upon entering the semi-dark installation space, the viewer encounters a video image of a dancer, a young black woman, which is projected life size. A pedestal base lit by a spotlight, stands in the centre of the gallery. On the pedestal base is the interface for the installation, a computer mouse. In a semi-circle, between the pedestal base and the projected image, are a total of six small (6" diagonal) colour monitors. When the viewer enters the installation space, these monitors are black.

Emerging from the darkness, the projected image of the young woman is silent before the viewer. She moves slowly, dancing, her gaze intent. A few minutes later, the image dissolves and she is seen seated flipping through a teen magazine, then she speaks directly to the viewer, sharing her hopes and dreams. She is young, strong yet vulnerable, impressionable, with nothing to protect her but her skin, a 'suit of armour' against the voices that surround her, echoing words that influence her developing sense of identity.

Manipulating the computer mouse, the viewer moves the cursor/pointer to click on various parts of the young woman's images. These 'hotspots' trigger audio/video clips which are played back on the six small monitors. The video which appears on these monitors is of a person's mouth speaking. We have videotaped numerous faces, a culturally diverse group of women and men of various ages. The phrases which they speak and the questions which they ask, may be critical, defensive or inspirational.

Each monitor is associated with a theme: race, sexuality, gender, the struggle for self actualization, the triumph of the human spirit and the politics of power. A selection of audio/video clips may be accessed within each of these themes.

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