Season in Hell

Randall Packer

Season in Hell ,
Co-workers & Funding
After four turbulent years serving the President, Secretary-at-Large Randall M. Packer of the US Department of Art & Technology took back the Department and made it his own. With the spectre of Orf as his guide (who bears witness to deteriorating conditions of the human spirit), the Secretary-at-Large declared a Season in Hell and began a perilous journey tracking the descent of post-apocalyptic America. This epic narrative is revealed through the critical reportage of the Blog-Chronicles, the spontaneous cultural dissection of the Situational Tours, and the transformational mediations of Orf’s musical-poetics. The mission culminates in the depths of the Other World: the Necropolis Stati Uniti d'America, symbolizing a nation in decay and ruin, where media is all that is left of the corporeal remains of America. Where Empire runs its course. (source:
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