La Morale sensitive

Jean Louis Boissier

La Morale sensitive , ongoing
Co-workers & Funding
  • image/jpeg
    230 × 172
La Morale sensitive takes its title from a philosophical project that Rousseau never completed, concerning the process of learning and experimentation through the phenomenon of perception. In combining the traditional book format with cinematic structures, this installation should be considered as a proto-type for an interactive film that may provide a multifaceted interpretation of Rousseau's concepts on perception and learning. Forty-eight video sequences are combined with excerpts from Rousseau's existing works. The video images are taken from real-life locations of Rousseau's life, filmed with the intention that the video images will function as more than simple illustrations of the text. By moving a hand in a smooth gesture over the table, visitors can displace the images and produce an act of visual montage. Every move excites, evokes, and causes the selection and extraction of another word, a text excerpt and a new video association.
  • genres
    • installations
      • interactive installations
  • subjects
    • Art and Science
      • philosophy
    • Body and Psychology
      • perception
    • Media and Communication
      • intermediality
      • motion pictures (visual works)
Technology & Material