
Nancy Evelyn Paterson

Co-workers & Funding
This interactive installation addresses mass media and manipulation in postmodern culture. In this mediawork individualism and narcissism are revealed as inextricably linked to new electronic technologies and capitalist consumerism. The interface for this installation is a 1950's style vibrating belt massager representative of a tradition of products promising health and beauty with a minimum of energy/effort/sacrifice. This unit, along with a 20" colour monitor elevated to eye level, a VCR and a microprocessor controller, comprise the installation. When the viewer approaches, they hear audio of rumba music and verbal instructions for learning the footwork for this particular dance. The video screen remains blank until the installation is activated by the viewer turning on the vibrating belt massager. They may choose to step into the exerciser and strap the belt around their hips in the process, or they may simply switch it on, leaving the belt to twist and vibrate in the air. When the exerciser is switched off, the video playback stops while the audio continues.

The video program is a montage of short clips including footage of people doing the rumba, imagery of people performing personal hygiene or admiring themselves in mirrors, and images of nuclear power generating stations. The video clips have been edited to be synchronous with the timing sequence involved in dancing the rumba. The vibration of the exerciser is soothing and hypnotic; the juxtaposition of video and audio in this context hints at the underlying tactics of intimidation and guilt utilized.

(source: www.vacuumwoman.com)
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