Aurora di Venere

Annunziato, Pierucci, Gemma de Julio

Aurora di Venere ,
Co-workers & Funding
Co-Worker: ASCII Art Ensemble
  • Aurora di Venere, 2001
    703 × 492
  • Aurora di Venere, 2001
    714 × 531
  • Aurora di Venere, 2001
    788 × 515
  • Aurora di Venere, 2001
    788 × 517
"Aurora di Venere" is a performance for theatre where a group of dancers interact with digital entities projected on two screens located at the background and at the front (semi-transparent) of the theatre's stand. The dancers play with the images of the artificial individuals which move on the screen following own personality. The digital entities are represented with 3D living shape. They can reproduce and are equipped with a neural network for self-learning and decision taking. Reflecting the movements of the dancers, the digital beings dance approaching the dancers or escape from they. The story grows in intensity during its development and the artificial beings escape from the screens invading the public and the theatre ceiling. They search for the public movements and produce 3D sounds travelling in the theatre. At the end the whole internal pseudo-spherical surface of the theatre is invaded by digital beings.

  • aesthetics
    • performative
    • processual
    • projected
  • genres
    • performance art
  • subjects
    • Arts and Visual Culture
      • theater
    • Body and Psychology
      • bodies (animal components)
      • gesture
      • performativity
    • Technology and Innovation
      • artificial life
Technology & Material
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