80+1 A journey around the world

Michael Naimark

80+1 A journey around the world ,
Co-workers & Funding
Hannes Leopoldseder, Michael Naimark, Martin Heller,
Gerfried Stocker, Manuela Pfaffenberger, Christopher Ruckerbauer,
Susi Windischbauer, Stephen Clark, David Sasaki, Isaac Mao

Idee / Konzept // Ars Electronica Linz, voestalpine AG, Linz09
Inspired by Jules Vernes’ classic novel, Ars Electronica, voestalpine and Linz09 are going on a ‘round-the-world journey June 18 to September 7, 2009. “80+1 – A Trip Around the World” is an expedition across the face of our planet and into our future. The itinerary includes stops at 20 locations and confrontations with 20 issues essential to our future. Throughout this investigative journey, the focus will be on young people—their troubles and concerns, their questions and ideas, their dreams and visions ...
  • genres
    • installations
      • interactive installations
Technology & Material
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