3 Seconds in the Memory the Internet

Source: Postmasters

Maciej Wisniewski

3 Seconds in the Memory the Internet , ongoing
  • 3 Seconds in the Memory the Internet
    432 × 324
  • 3 Seconds in the Memory the Internet
    431 × 467
3 Seconds in the Memory of the Internet explores the notion of privacy and memory on the Internet.
Three arbitrary seconds were selected from three different decades in the Internet's development: one from the 1980s , one from the 1990s and one from the 2000s. For a period of a month, a custom designed ‘spider’ software would crawl the visible and invisible parts of the Internet and retrieve what was created or modified at these moments in time.
The results which included messages that were exchanged, news that was posted, documents published, log and error files, as well as images were surprisingly rich in content. Even from the 1980 – prior to the invention of the World Wide Web - the retrieved information was astounding.
The collected data was displayed as three simultaneous live feeds in a spatial three part projection.

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