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  • Shaw, Jeffrey. The Dis-Embodied Re-Embodied Body In New Ideas in Science and Art, Final Acts of the Prague Conference 19-23.11.1996, edited by Council of Europe, 50-56. : 1997.
  • Editorial
    Shaw, Jeffrey. Editorial In Dennis Del Favero: Cross Currents - ZKM Digital Arts Edition 2, edited by ZKM Karslruhe and Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum JoanneumZKM Digital Arts Edition, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1999.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Reisen in virtuelle Realitäten In Cyberspace. Zum medialen Gesamtkunstwerk, edited by Florian Rötzer and Peter Weibel, 317-332. München, DE: Boer Verlag, 1993.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Tube over the Maschsee Studio International 180, no. 928 (December 1970): 253.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey and Dennis Del Favero. (dis)LOCATIONS. ZKM: digital arts edition, 2001.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Concepts for an Operational Art Art and Artists , no. 10 (January 1969): 47-49.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Virtuelle Räume im Reich der Sinne In Kultur und Technik im 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Gert Kaiser and Dirk Matejovski and Jutta Fedrowitz, 329-334. Frankfurt, New York: Campus Verlag GmBH, 1993.
  • ...Brown, Neil and Dennis Del Favero and Jeffrey Shaw and Weibel, Peter. Interactive Narrative as a Multi-Temporal Agency In Future Cinema, edited by Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel, 312-315. Cambridge, MASS: MIT Press, 2003.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Modalities of Interactivity and Virtuality Scan+ Electronic Media Arts 4 (1993): 19-20.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Eventstructure Research Group The Mewspaper, Royal College of Art 22 (April-May 1974): 3-4.